


Disclaimer: 以上所有产品和服务的最终解释权归iDC所有。
- 在线学院系列职业规划课程(六大模块,30章节,包含自我认知、行业透析、求职文书、面试技巧、职场社交和入职提升)+ 在线图书馆
- 1对1个人职业评估和专家咨询
- 简历和自荐信修改
- 工作申请指导
- 模拟面试
- 职业规划集训营
- 系列行业沙龙
- 与行业大咖导师 Coffee Chat
- 职场社交活动
- 360°社群答疑解惑
- 每周职场干货推送
- 量身定做面试辅导加急服务
- HR 专家1对1面试辅导
- 行业大咖导师1对1定向指导
- 优秀学员的内推直通车
- 在线学院系列职业规划课程(六大模块,30章节,包含自我认知、行业透析、求职文书、面试技巧、职场社交和入职提升)+ 在线图书馆
- 1对1个人职业评估和专家咨询
- 简历和自荐信修改
- 工作申请指导
- 模拟面试
- 职业规划集训营
- 系列行业沙龙
- 与行业大咖导师 Coffee Chat
- 职场社交活动
- 360°社群答疑解惑
- 每周职场干货推送
- 与 HR 专家或行业大咖1对1咨询(1年共4次)
- 在线学院系列职业规划课程(六大模块,30章节,包含自我认知、行业透析、求职文书、面试技巧、职场社交和入职提升)+ 在线图书馆
- 职业规划集训营
- 系列行业沙龙
- 职场社交活动
- 360°社群答疑解惑
- 每周职场干货推送
- 享受 iDC 其它付费职业规划产品和服务9折优惠
- Note: 只适合曾经是 iDC 年度标准会员或 iDC 年度 VIP 会员的客户
1对1 职业规划专家咨询服务
- 诊断各种职场纠结问题,包括职业方向、简历面试、社交恐惧、升职加薪等
- 线上或者线下完成,1小时起,需提前预约
- 六大模块课程,30章节,各自独立成章,包含自我认知、行业透析、求职文书、面试技巧、职场社交和入职提升
- 每个模块线上完成,随时随地在线学习职场必备的基础技能
- 灵活机动,可以购买一系列课程(附赠在线图书馆), 也可购买单一模块课程
Networking 指导
- 1小时教你如何有效克服 Networking 恐惧心理,并掌握最关键的 Networking 技巧
- 奖励一次与 iDC 行业大咖导师的 Coffee Chat 机会(30-45 分钟),练习所学的 Networking 技能
- 了解背景和求职目标,深入挖掘经历和亮点(1小时)
- 点评简历和自荐信,提出修改建议(2天)
- 针对内容和语言进行最终打磨(3天)
- 3小时面试突击辅导,满足加急需求
- 帮助匹配过往经历与面试职位要求,挖掘要点和亮点
- 详解15个经典面试问题的解答思路并进行一次模拟面试
MAPP 职业驱动力测评
- 适合找不到求职方向的迷茫同学
- 运用全球最专业科学的职业驱动力测试来帮助评估职业发展兴趣,优势和劣势
- 职业规划专家解读完整的测评报告(1.5小时),并推荐合适的职业目标和方向
MAPP 职业驱动力测评 + 简历自荐信修改套餐
- 适合找不到求职方向的迷茫同学
- 运用全球最专业科学的职业驱动力测试来帮助评估职业发展兴趣,优势和劣势
- 职业规划专家解读完整的测评报告(1.5小时),并推荐合适的职业目标和方向
- 了解背景和求职目标,深入挖掘经历和亮点(1小时)
- 点评简历和自荐信,提出修改建议(2天)
- 针对内容和语言进行最终打磨(3天)
- 12小时全套面试辅导,量身定做的系统提高
- 帮助匹配过往经验与面试职位要求,挖掘要点和亮点
- 详解15个经典面试问题的解答思路
- 修改15个经典面试问题的准备答案,打磨面试技巧并进行2次模拟面试
- 24小时高强度,系统职业规划培训,包含自我认知,确定方向,行业透析,简历修改,模拟面试,职场社交,商务沟通和入职提升
- 与导师和同学们近距离互动,交流包罗万象的职业规划问题
- 灵活机动,可以购买整个集训营套餐,也可以购买单一课程
iDC 行业沙龙(线上/线下)
- 大咖专业导师手把手教你系统的梳理行业知识,查漏补缺,高效实用
- 沙龙主题覆盖:
- 满足不同需求,与行业导师零距离交流,不容错过的 Networking 机会
· Effective Business Communications
· Capital Markets Sales & Trading
· Investment Management
· Retail Banking & Wealth Management
· M&A; Risk Management; Treasury
· Financial Analysis
· Business Analytics
· Product Control; Compliance
· Insurance; Consulting
· Technology; Public Services
- 在线学院系列职业规划课程(六大模块,30章节,包含自我认知、行业透析、求职文书、面试技巧、职场社交和入职提升)+ 在线图书馆
- 1对1个人职业评估和专家咨询
- 简历和自荐信修改
- 工作申请指导
- 模拟面试
- 职业规划集训营
- 系列行业沙龙
- 与行业大咖导师 Coffee Chat
- 职场社交活动
- 360°社群答疑解惑
- 每周职场干货推送
- 量身定做面试辅导加急服务
- HR 专家1对1面试辅导
- 行业大咖导师1对1定向指导
- 优秀学员的内推直通车
- 在线学院系列职业规划课程(六大模块,30章节,包含自我认知、行业透析、求职文书、面试技巧、职场社交和入职提升)+ 在线图书馆
- 1对1个人职业评估和专家咨询
- 简历和自荐信修改
- 工作申请指导
- 模拟面试
- 职业规划集训营
- 系列行业沙龙
- 与行业大咖导师 Coffee Chat
- 职场社交活动
- 360°社群答疑解惑
- 每周职场干货推送
- 与 HR 专家或行业大咖1对1咨询(1年共4次)
- 在线学院系列职业规划课程(六大模块,30章节,包含自我认知、行业透析、求职文书、面试技巧、职场社交和入职提升)+ 在线图书馆
- 职业规划集训营
- 系列行业沙龙
- 职场社交活动
- 360°社群答疑解惑
- 每周职场干货推送
- 享受 iDC 其它付费职业规划产品和服务9折优惠
- Note: 只适合曾经是 iDC 年度标准会员或 iDC 年度 VIP 会员的客户
- 诊断各种职场纠结问题,包括职业方向、简历面试、社交恐惧、升职加薪等
- 线上或者线下完成,1小时起,需提前预约
- 六大模块课程,30章节,各自独立成章,包含自我认知、行业透析、求职文书、面试技巧、职场社交和入职提升
- 每个模块线上完成,随时随地在线学习职场必备的基础技能
- 灵活机动,可以购买一系列课程(附赠在线图书馆), 也可购买单一模块课程
- 1小时教你如何有效克服 Networking 恐惧心理,并掌握最关键的 Networking 技巧
- 奖励一次与 iDC 行业大咖导师的 Coffee Chat 机会(30-45 分钟),练习所学的 Networking 技能
- 了解背景和求职目标,深入挖掘经历和亮点(1小时)
- 点评简历和自荐信,提出修改建议(2天)
- 针对内容和语言进行最终打磨(3天)
- 3小时面试突击辅导,满足加急需求
- 帮助匹配过往经历与面试职位要求,挖掘要点和亮点
- 详解15个经典面试问题的解答思路并进行一次模拟面试
- 适合找不到求职方向的迷茫同学
- 运用全球最专业科学的职业驱动力测试来帮助评估职业发展兴趣,优势和劣势
- 职业规划专家解读完整的测评报告(1.5小时),并推荐合适的职业目标和方向
- 适合找不到求职方向的迷茫同学
- 运用全球最专业科学的职业驱动力测试来帮助评估职业发展兴趣,优势和劣势
- 职业规划专家解读完整的测评报告(1.5小时),并推荐合适的职业目标和方向
- 了解背景和求职目标,深入挖掘经历和亮点(1小时)
- 点评简历和自荐信,提出修改建议(2天)
- 针对内容和语言进行最终打磨(3天)
- 12小时全套面试辅导,量身定做的系统提高
- 帮助匹配过往经验与面试职位要求,挖掘要点和亮点
- 详解15个经典面试问题的解答思路
- 修改15个经典面试问题的准备答案,打磨面试技巧并进行2次模拟面试
- 24小时高强度,系统职业规划培训,包含自我认知,确定方向,行业透析,简历修改,模拟面试,职场社交,商务沟通和入职提升
- 与导师和同学们近距离互动,交流包罗万象的职业规划问题
- 灵活机动,可以购买整个集训营套餐,也可以购买单一课程
- 大咖专业导师手把手教你系统的梳理行业知识,查漏补缺,高效实用
- 沙龙主题覆盖:
- 满足不同需求,与行业导师零距离交流,不容错过的 Networking 机会
· Effective Business Communications
· Capital Markets Sales & Trading
· Investment Management
· Retail Banking & Wealth Management
· M&A; Risk Management; Treasury
· Financial Analysis
· Business Analytics
· Product Control; Compliance
· Insurance; Consulting
· Technology; Public Services
I’ve known Sherry for many years. She has impressed me with her genuine interests in developing and coaching talent to help grow the banking business. Sherry’s strong HR skills, business knowledge and international network of the banking industry will enable her to help young talent proactively pursue their career goals and paths. I sincerely wish her a huge success.
I am always struck by Sherry’s energy on talent development as well as her expertise in Human Resources Management. As her mentor, I am pleased to support her to inspire and help the overseas students to explore their passion, develop lifelong career planning skills and take ownership of their careers as early as possible.
She has always been very helpful and passionate about sharing her knowledge and industry insights as a seasoned HR. Sherry places her central interests in helping the younger generation to make the right career choices according to their individual strengths and interests. I’m supportive to iDriveCareer wholeheartedly.
It is fantastic that Sherry is now launching iDriveCareer. Through multi-pronged, innovative coaching approach, Sherry has created a framework and learning environment that when combined with personal accountability and drive will lead to successful career advancement. I fully recognize the importance of this innovative career strategy framework.
As HR professionals, we always encourage students to start planning their career early, and spend time finding out what they are passionate about. I am proud of Sherry who has started up the iDriveCareer venture to encourage and support more young talents in taking ownership of their career, and their future.
I’ve known Sherry for many years. She has impressed me with her genuine interests in developing and coaching talent to help grow the banking business. Sherry’s strong HR skills, business knowledge and international network of the banking industry will enable her to help young talent proactively pursue their career goals and paths. I sincerely wish her a huge success.
I am always struck by Sherry’s energy on talent development as well as her expertise in Human Resources Management. As her mentor, I am pleased to support her to inspire and help the overseas students to explore their passion, develop lifelong career planning skills and take ownership of their careers as early as possible.
She has always been very helpful and passionate about sharing her knowledge and industry insights as a seasoned HR. Sherry places her central interests in helping the younger generation to make the right career choices according to their individual strengths and interests. I’m supportive to iDriveCareer wholeheartedly.
It is fantastic that Sherry is now launching iDriveCareer. Through multi-pronged, innovative coaching approach, Sherry has created a framework and learning environment that when combined with personal accountability and drive will lead to successful career advancement. I fully recognize the importance of this innovative career strategy framework.
As HR professionals, we always encourage students to start planning their career early, and spend time finding out what they are passionate about. I am proud of Sherry who has started up the iDriveCareer venture to encourage and support more young talents in taking ownership of their career, and their future.